Anche John parla italiano

Passion for Italian according to John, whose skills are model to every language learner. This podcast was firstly published on February 5, 2020, the first ever released by Italiano Standard.

Anche Rodi parla italiano

Listening to Rodi, a Romanian lady whose Italian skills are still strong despite her leaving the country (for now).

Anche Franco parla italiano

A Mexican-born speaker who made Italian everyday language.

Anche Clementine parla italiano

Listening to Clementine, 2017 Multimedia Migrant Diaries -DiMMI- award winner, an African-born Italian who has made her way through continents and languages. – Credits : Babylon – Disco Ultralounge by

Anche Patricia parla italiano

Listening to Patricia, a Paris-based German lady, who has been developing her Italian skills over time so as to become a confident speaker now.
