Il punto – Connettivi 2

Grammar point about words that join other words in a sentence; that is, they provide a junction between words. – “Your Intro” by Audionautix ( courtesy of Creative Commons (

Il punto – Stare

Grammar point about to be (or not to be). Credits:  “Your Intro” by Audionautix ( courtesy of Creative Commons (

Il punto – Passato prossimo o imperfetto

Grammar point about two main past tenses, as time is a major feature of Italian verbs. Credits : “Il tempo stesso” by Tiziano Ferro, feat. Franco Battiato (2008) – “Your

Il punto – Riflessivi

Grammar point about verbs which always refer to a reflexive pronoun, verbs whose meaning changes without using reflexive pronouns. Credits : “Amarsi un po’” by Lucio Battisti and Mogol, 1977

Il punto – Avverbi

Grammar point about words which give more information about time, place, or manner. – Credits : “Non è mai troppo tardi” by Dino Olivieri (1954) performed by Flo Sandon’s ;

Il punto – Interrogativi

Grammar point about some pronouns you use in questions when asking for information.

Il punto – Da

Grammar point about a preposition that translates several different ones in languages other than Italian. – Credits: “Vengo da te” by Leonardo Pari, Sergio Vallarino, Stefano Cecchi, 2015.

Il punto – Quando non usare il congiuntivo

Grammar point about alternatives to subjunctive tenses. – Credits: “Abbi dubbi” by Edoardo Bennato, 1989.

Il punto – Connettivi 1

Grammar point about words that join other words in a sentence; that is, they provide a junction between words. – Credits: “Ma perché?” by Carlo Marrale, Piero Cassano and Aldo

Il punto – Numeri cardinali

Grammar point about the natural numbers. Credits: “Da uno a dieci” (unknown)
