Oggigiorno – Eduardo

Celebrating an artist and an intellectual who brought Italian plays to theaters around the world. Credits : “Je vulesse” by Eduardo De Filippo, performed by Nu Genea (2018)

Godersi le scene

Il doppiaggio cinematografico ha fatto scuola in Italia, dove un gran numero di attrici e attori continuano a prestare le loro voci per rendere più vicini al pubblico italiano delle

Oggigiorno – Bertolucci

Dedicated to a filmmaker who had his last dance, Bernardo Bertolucci. Credits : “Your Intro” by Audionautix (http://audionautix.com/) courtesy of Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) – “The Sheltering Sky” theme by Ryuichi

La canzone – Quanto t’ho amato

Celebrating Roberto Benigni on his birthday: an actor and a filmmaker, and a songwriter. Credits : “Your Intro” by Audionautix (http://audionautix.com/) courtesy of Creative Commons (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) – “Quanto t’ho amato”
