Il punto – Piacere

Grammar point about saying of something or someone that you find them pleasant or attractive, or just that it’s nice to meet them. Credits : “Tuca tuca” by Gianni Boncompagni

Oggigiorno – Pesce d’aprile

Why do Italians talk of an April’s fish when talking of April fool’s day? Credits : “Pesce d’aprile” by Giampiero Grani and Samuele Bersani (2009)

Oggigiorno – Mina

Celebrating Mina Mazzini, or simply Mina, the Italian singer.

Anche Patricia parla italiano

Listening to Patricia, a Paris-based German lady, who has been developing her Italian skills over time so as to become a confident speaker now.

Il punto – Fare paragoni

Grammar point about ways of comparing things and people.

La canzone – In ginocchio da te

Oscars 2020 academy awards best picture Parasite features a couple of Italian-language songs, one 1700s classic and 1964 Gianni Morandi’s hit Kneeling by You.

Il prete bello

Reading about “The Handsome Priest”, a 1954 novel by Goffredo Parise, probably his best work as a realist writer. A fresco of ordinary Italians under the Fascist regime. Credits: “Vivere”
