La parola – Fa

Some of many meanings that have to do with ‘to do’. – Credits: “T’innamorerò” by Ashley Ingram, Shirley Mattison, and Marina Rei, 1998.

Oggigiorno – Habemus Papam

Celebrating the election of Albino Luciani as John Paul I, one of the most short-lived popes in modern times.

Il punto – Quando non usare il congiuntivo

Grammar point about alternatives to subjunctive tenses. – Credits: “Abbi dubbi” by Edoardo Bennato, 1989.

La parola – Ferie

Words for a period of time when you are on holiday from your job (or absent for another reason). – Credits: “Estate 1992” by Michele Centonze and Lorenzo Jovanotti Cherubini,

Oggigiorno – J-Ax

Celebrating an artist who used to take the rap before acknowledgement of his great talent for music. – Credits: Articolo 31 for “Ohi Maria” and “Un’altra cosa che ho perso”

La bella estate

Reading from 1950 Premio Strega award winner Cesare Pavese’s Beautiful Summer. Credits: “È troppo tardi” by Walter Colì, 1949; “Voglio vivere così” by Giovanni D’Anzi and Tito Manlio, 1941; “Quando

Il punto – Connettivi 1

Grammar point about words that join other words in a sentence; that is, they provide a junction between words. – Credits: “Ma perché?” by Carlo Marrale, Piero Cassano and Aldo

La parola – Sdraio

Vocabulary pill about sitting or lying down, especially out of doors. – Credits: “Mercoledì” by Luca Carboni, 1995; “Sapore di sale” by Gino Paoli, 1963; “Sulla sdraio” by Manfredi Agnello

Oggigiorno – Gli alpini

Celebrating the constitution of the Alpine National Association, the Italian mountain corps that have turned to civil protection assistance over a hundred years. – Credits : “Ernani” (Prelude and Chorus

La canzone – Luglio

About a song named after the seventh month of the year, also a tremendous hit of 1968. Credits: “Luglio” by Riccardo Del Turco and Giancarlo Bigazzi (1968) – “Le petit
